Arduino Emulator

Hey MTI People,

I hope this finds you well. Check this out:

[Link =

Cool Emulator for Arduino Kit.

Have a Good One

7 Responses to “Arduino Emulator”

  1. Mark D Gross Says:

    Fritzing is a great project from Reto Wettach’s group in Potsdam. It’s not really an EMULATOR though -although it does some checking, it doesn’t simulate the performance of the electronics. The main purpose of Frtizing is to help you design a printed circuit board for a project. Certainly worth checking out – once you want to go beyond the breadboard.

  2. Emulino is the only Arduino emulator that I’ve been able to find (but not to run). It’s provided as source code and needs to be compiled.

  3. He appeared to use some libraries such as qapplication.h that appear to either be linux-specific or undocumented. I can’t get it to compile because of it. 😦

  4. qapplication.h? It’s probably the qapplication header file from the qt libraries

  5. Are you speaking of QT libraries by Nokia?

  6. fritzing is not an emulator, it just helps you make circuits and lay out pcbs. useful, but it doesn’t emulate the arduino.

  7. try virtual breadboard(, has an arduino you can upload code to(and many other uC’s), as well as basic components(led, switch, pot, lcd, servo, logic gates). Free too, but I would pay more to add shift registers or other parts.

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